Our Wells
We have acquired 4 existing geothermal wells and exploration permits.
85 Degrees has acquired 4 existing wells and exploration permits within the areas in pink on Map 2 below, labelled Bleiswijk 1b and Bleiswijk.
These 4 existing wells are known as VDB 1-4, together they are 2 x duplex Geothermal Plants, that have been thermal producers for a number of years, each geothermal plants consists of:
1 x Hot producer well
1 x Cold injector well
1 x Heat exchanger/pump
Map 2 (source: NLOG)
In the near term, on our current location, and using the existing permits, we will redrill 2 sets of wells VDB 5-10 (4 in total) to achieve 35 MW thermal power.
Map 3 below shows the areas where exploration and extraction permits have been applied for, and then subsequently awarded.
Areas in green are where an exploration permits have been awarded.
Areas in purple are where extraction permit for geothermal heat have been awarded.
Areas marked with green stripes are where geothermal exploration permits have been applied for.
Areas marked with purple stripes are where extraction permits for geothermal energy have been applied for.
Map 3 (Source: NLOG)